Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Wes teaches the adult Sunday school class at church. He studies an enormous amount of time for his lessons. I have not had to priveldge to attend any since I teach nine year olds at the same time, but I have been told he does a great job. I even heard he is often Funny??! Wes also needs glasses to read but leaves them at work. He borrowed mine. When I walked into the kitchen I just found this funny. I don't know why since I probably look the same in them, but I did. What do you think, should I just give the spectacles to Wes??!! He is kind of cute in them isn't he??!! REMEMBER TO CLICK ON THE PIC FOR A BETTER VIEW

1 comment:

Spawns of Seaton said...

wear women's accessories?...no! Jordan looks just like dad when she has her glasses on!