Monday, March 30, 2009


I found this video of the boys at spring break. It reminded me I must have told Jaden to pull his pants up at least 100 times. Gotta love him. Jacob was such a good sport; he let Jaden hang all over him. What a big brother. Love that oldest grandson too.


Julia Soler said...

OMG how halarious!!! That's so typical Jaden, geeze! let's hope he outgrows that b4 he's too much older. Very typical Jacob too...Jaden and Kaelynn are always hanging on him, I don't know where he finds the patience, what a good big brother though :-)

Word from the Wards said...

Hahaha! Yeah, that makes sense because he did have a tan line through the middle of his butt!! hahah That's so funny