Saturday, May 16, 2009


Wes and I found a Wildlife Refuge in Aransas Pass that had a 16 mile paved trail that loops around the place. You can circle and circle it to get as many miles in as you want. There were very few visitors there and we had a nice paved road almost all to ourselves. It was great not worrying about traffic and pretty too. Don't ask how many times we rode the loop because I would have to tell you 1. We are both out of shape and have to start somewhere. Did I mention it was 84 degrees at 8:30 a.m. and very humid. We took some before shots just in case some "wildlife" drug us into the bushes!!! Does this outfit make my butt look big? Don't answer that... I took my camera in case we saw anything interesting. While trying to take a picture of some deer and not crash I ran over a snake (I didn't see it Wes did) then dodged another snake in the road; And all the while staying ON my bike! Wouldn't want to fall in that water! By the way...Wes is now taking a nap! Looser


Diane said...

Looks like you have a great place for riding. It takes a while to get used to being on the saddle again!! I do know that riding shorts have pads in the rear (ugh, not what women want) but the photo is very flattering.

We went riding on Galveston Seawall last weekend. All we had to look at was little bikinis and lots of waves. Craig liked the bikinis. :)

Spawns of Seaton said...

And that all was made possible due to your early morning wake up call from Kennedy!!

Julia Soler said...

You ran over snakes??? I would be hysterical!!!! But, I'm so gad that summer time is here....makes getting back to riding or in my case running possible....very motivating time of year....good for yall....and love the pictures!